Bursaries & Grants (Undergraduates)
Bursaries are awarded to students with a SQA Gaelic qualification (either learners or native speakers) who are about to leave school and embark on a Gaelic course at a Scottish University. Appropriately qualified mature students may also be considered for a Bursary award.
Bursaries are promoted through all schools offering Gaelic in its curriculum. Students may apply directly by submitting a Bursary Application Form to the Clerk to the Governors or via their University department once they start their Undergraduate programme.
The Trust supports not only students proceeding to a traditional MA, but also suitably qualified students studying Gaelic education at UG level or studying traditional music and song (with Gaelic) at RSAMD.
A Bursary award is currently £400 per annum.
Grants of an equivalent value to Bursaries, £400 per academic year, are awarded on the recommendation of a student’s Head of Department and may be awarded to students from second year onwards.
Postgraduate Support
Financial support is available to students engaged in post-graduate work in Gaelic studies.
The Trust will make up to 6 awards to a maximum amount of £500 annually to students to support costs associated with conference attendance (where presenting a paper) or fieldwork (e.g. travel and subsistence for library visits, sociolinguistic fieldwork etc.).
The Trust will consider applications for support at each of its meetings during the year.
Non-Academic Support
Catherine McCaig’s Trust supports projects which are wholly or substantially Gaelic in medium and/or relevance, viable and clearly costed.
The types of projects supported include publishing – ranging from children’s books to scholarly journals – and projects which are broadly educational with a strong Gaelic character or component from pre-school upwards and research projects.